Tag Archives: autoyast

AutoYaST final

suse logoAlthough there is some configuration work with AutoYaST still to be done we’ve managed to get a working SLES9 SP3 install going. The root cause of the problem were errors in our file repository config. We have used another AutoYaST repository where an installation of SLES9 with SP2 worked flawlessly. Updating it through the YaST Online Updater tool (YOU) to SP3 also presented no problems so it’s now just a question of getting the correct files in the correct order into the repository.

Both VM’s will be installed with Oracle Application Server. We will get some load off those environments to see how the testing cluster holds up and if there’s any impact on the performance side (positive or negative).

AutoYaST partial solution

Although the cause is still unclear we have got it working now with SLES9 and Service Pack 2. This is still not what we would want because SP3 is listed as a supported configuration with VMWare.

The other odd thing about this problem is that we did manage to get it working with the Buslogic SCSI driver and SP3. However the Buslogic driver is not supported with VM’s with more than 4GB internal memory which we will be using in the Oracle database servers (among others).

To rule out a problem with a straight SP3 install we’ll try a new AutoYaST install with SP2 and then upgrade that install over the internet to SP3.

Problems with AutoYaST

We are experiencing some problems with our Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 installations in the testlab. Our default AutoYaST configuration installs fine but on reboot it can’t find the harddisks anymore (/dev/sda.) and fails to boot. Before the reboot of the VM there is no problem at all and the server functions fine.

We haven’t found anything on the VMTN forums or other VM resources. The only thing that comes close is a problem someone described with Workstation 5.5. As both SLES8 and SLES9 are supported OS’s the problem is probably an AutoYaST problem.

We’ll try to fix this next week, I’ll post the cause and solution when we find it.